Jana Vytřasová


She was born in 1966 in the Klimkovice village. But she live in Ostrava – Svinov last 20 years with her two sons.


The way to the woodcarving she found herself, because she is from agricurtural family.


When she was ten years old, she started with woodcarving, in teenage was interested in cloth college, making ceramic and taking photos.

She was working in a few professions after graduated from the high school. Since 2004 she started working as a professional woodcarver. She has a wide profession range, but particularly the figural and portrait sculptures are in her specialization now.  Sometimes she makes stylized sculptures and sacral motives too. The considerable patr of her production are large outdoor sculptures, bell towers and benches. The best material for her is an onak, maple and acacia wood. All sculptures from her production are copyright and she makes all design draft for all her works.


The works from Janas prodiction are in the private gardens especially, but few of them are on the public places – Horní Bludovice, areal of DDŠ Těrlicko, Dětský mlýn VLKOVICE, Skiareal Opálená – Čeladná, place of pilgrimage M. Goretti in Chlebovice, sport station in Svitavy and many other…
